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About the package

This package is made for those who want create their own package by selecting their preferred services.

Services to choose from include

  • educational signage content & design

  • social media campaigns and education package

  • photography

  • iNaturalist support

  • content assistance for environmental section on website

  • plant procurement and nursery liaison

  • planting layouts or planting design concepts (per area)

  • individual plant signage – photos, content, designer liaison etc

  • site-specific species list

  • grant research, application assistance

  • stakeholder liaison

  • staff education, training and assistance

  • phone/email support  or site visits - travel expenses not incl

  • yearly Vegetation Audit

  • member and volunteer walks/workshops (1 per year)

Please let us know if you have any queries, or wish to discuss this package further.

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